Meganisi Meganisi is perfect for both families with friends, or couples looking for entertainment or romantic getaway. There are endless activities to engage in, including the discovery of hidden beaches, small towns and secret hideaways. About MeganisiFacts & TipsWeatherItinerariesAbout Meganisi…

Vasiliki LefkadaVasiliki is perfect for both families with friends, or couples looking for entertainment or romantic getaway. There are endless activities to engage in, including the discovery of hidden beaches, small towns and secret hideaways. About VasilikiFacts & TipsWeatherItinerariesAbout Vasiliki…

AtokosAtokos is perfect for both families with friends, or couples looking for entertainment or romantic getaway. There are endless activities to engage in, including the discovery of hidden beaches, small towns and secret hideaways. About AtokosFacts & TipsWeatherItinerariesAbout Atokos Atokos…

Syvota LefkadaSyvota is perfect for both families with friends, or couples looking for entertainment or romantic getaway. There are endless activities to engage in, including the discovery of hidden beaches, small towns and secret hideaways. About SyvotaFacts & TipsWeatherItinerariesAbout Syvota…

KastosKastos is perfect for both families with friends, or couples looking for entertainment or romantic getaway. There are endless activities to engage in, including the discovery of hidden beaches, small towns and secret hideaways. About KastosFacts & TipsWeatherItinerariesAbout Kastos Kastos…

KalamosKalamos is perfect for both families with friends, or couples looking for entertainment or romantic getaway. There are endless activities to engage in, including the discovery of hidden beaches, small towns and secret hideaways. About KalamosFacts & TipsWeatherItinerariesAbout Kalamos Kalamos…

Kioni IthacaKioni is perfect for both families with friends, or couples looking for entertainment or romantic getaway. There are endless activities to engage in, including the discovery of hidden beaches, small towns and secret hideaways. About KioniFacts & TipsWeatherItinerariesAbout Kioni…

Vathy IthacaVathy is perfect for both families with friends, or couples looking for entertainment or romantic getaway. There are endless activities to engage in, including the discovery of hidden beaches, small towns and secret hideaways. About VathyFacts & TipsWeatherItinerariesAbout Vathy…